Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time Out for a Laugh


Sorry, tried the once a week thing, but I couldn't hang. This too, I'm afraid will be short and tragically not completely accurate. See, my most awesomest buddy, Chris, called me this evening to share in a truly belly-aching-full-of-laughter story. Let me preface her story by saying that she has 4 boys, a husband, some fish, possibly a hamster and 2 dogs. The dogs, Chance a black lab and Samantha (Sammie) a golden retriever, are great companions for the whole family.

I did say that this was going to be short, so I'll just jump right in. Chris proceeds to tell me that her day started off just wonderful by child #2 telling her that Chance is on Sammie. She explains to me that Sammie is in heat and has been pestering Chance. She then tells child #2 not to worry about it and that this is normal, Sammie is in heat. At some point, while trying to finish getting ready for work and kids off to school she notices that said dogs are walking side by side. "Joined at the hip" I believe she says.

She continues to notice that wherever one dog is going, the other is right beside them. Double take...What? I'm sure she's thinking, "What?" "Am I seeing things?" She concludes that the dogs are indeed stuck. Okay what to do.....what to do? Her husband tells her that a cold shower with the hose should do the trick to calm Chance down. Chris says that it's thirty something degrees outside and that's just NOT an option.

I'm laughing in near hysterics at this point. I believe I started when she said something about them being joined at the hip. The picture in my mind was that of something you might find on The Simpsons. While Chris is refusing even toying with the idea of an indoor shower with the dogs (she's trying to get to work here!) Child #3 is on the floor underneath the dogs trying to get a closer look at what's "really going on" to see if he could help out with the situation. I'm nearly peeing myself at this point!

With the situation not getting better with each passing second, Chris decides to just help things along by grabbing them by the hips and parting the sea with a wee bit of force. With a slight little yelp, they are stuck no more! Voila! She saves the day!

I was lucky I was on my way to the bathroom when she tells me what happened next. After all was said and done, Child #3 (the one doing the inspection from the floor) concluded, "Their tails must have been tied together!" Child #4 says, "Yeah, double knots!"

Okay, I lost it. I was very happy to find the toilet. I needed that. I had no idea how Chris made it through the day without busting out in laughter at the mere thought of her morning. I know that it's 12 a.m. and I'm still living her promise to make me have some belly-aching-laughter. Thanks Chris! Love ya!

side note*** One day, when I get her permission, I'm going to share a pic of my pseudo-family of 13 years. Or maybe just one of my bff Chris. There are many stories to tell. How could there not be, my monsters, her four boys, and two dogs and my crazy dog Sunny...... Soooooooo much material there.................good times...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Budding Photographer??? I think NOT!

I love my two monsters. Words cannot describe the emotions and thoughts that go through my mind and heart each time they do something warm, thoughtful, moving and most often obnoxious. They are 100% boys (monsters) and at times, they never let me forget!

Two weeks ago, I did some minor landscaping in front of the house. With all of the digging and weeding, I came across one of these.


A skink. This of course is NOT the actual one, but I did try to get the pic because it was WAY cooler! It had thicker stripes of orange and silver on the sides as well. Kind of like racing stripes. It looked like it could be a mascot for some college football team. Very cool looking...and scary!

See, Destry was outside and caught a glimpse of this creature and I told him to run in the house and grab my camera. Of course when he got back, it hid underneath some of the leaves and dirt and dug itself as deep as possible into my soon to be home of some white azaleas.

I, being of not so sound mind and body, decided to dig it out with my gloved hand and with my face about two feet away as I was leaning against the house with my other hand. Bad idea. It jumped out at me, came within inches of my nose and proceeded to climb up the front of the house!

I nearly lost my balance and screamed sending Destry into a fit of laughter. I was a bit angry (read embarrassed) and I tried to scare the stupid, ugly lizard out from underneath the siding where he was seeking refuge. Banging on it like an crazed lunatic, I was telling Destry that I was trying to scare it out, but in actuality, I was hoping to squish the crap out of it! I know, sadistic as it may sound, I wasn't REALLY hoping that it would meet its demise, but it was sort of comforting to my ego nontheless.

Long story short: I ran in the house shortly after, frustrated and ready to watch some football. Destry had the camera and he was disappointed that he didn't get to take a picture of the skink.

He came back in the house about 40 minutes later with some photos.

I will tell you this. I was rather impressed by some of his pics because a couple were actually pretty good for someone who is new to digital cameras. I could not put all of his pictures here. Why? Well, lets just say he had to write 35 times "I will not _____ _____ in public." Yeah.....fill in the blanks.... he did it. Boys will be boys. Enjoy!

Oh wait there's more!

Let's see if I can give you the run down...

That's Jackson, the next door neighbor, Patrick (our Au Pair), the back of the car, Sunny, Destry's IN YOUR FACE impersonation of Gilbert Gottfried, doggie doo, more of Jackson in various stages of Jackson-ness, neighbor's lopsided post, (I don't know why that was picture-worthy), the side of our house, the sky......

Destry touching the sky, Destry on our tractor, and then beginning of several self portraits that MUST end here....

Jackson's house and dog, their grass, our house, the neighbors across the street (he came to Patrick's rescue that awful night......from previous post in Aug), more neighbor kids, and a not too shabby action foto of Jack's sister rollerblading.

I will leave you with this. When Destry brought me back my camera, I glanced at his pics while he was standing next to me. I came across those self portraits I dare not share. I asked him, "What in the world were you thinking?" His reply? "Mom, I didn't think they would be in the memory."
"Oh, so I guess you just thought they would vanish into thin air?........yeah right."